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By The Package

We are currently sold out.  Check back in late spring for ground beef. When we have beef in stock please stop by the farm 24/7 to find ground beef and other beef cuts at your convenience. Or, customize your order. Order individual steaks, roasts, and burgers online in the quantities you desire and pick them up anytime at your convenience from our farm store, the 1st  Saturday of the month at the Sunrise Side Market in Downtown Alpena, or by appointemnt in Rogers City. Choose the pickup location and time that works best for you!

By The Quarter

Beef is available by the quarter, half, or whole. Call (989) 590-7544 or email for availability.If you have the freezer space, buying a quarter or half cow is more economical than purchasing by the individual package. Additionally, you receive a diverse range of cuts customized to your desire. You can specify how thick to cut your steaks, what size to trim your roast, the quantity of ground beef per package, and a whole lot more. You will receive approximately 100 lbs of beef per quarter. 

25% Steaks 35% Roasts 40% Burger Plus, heart, liver, tongue, oxtail, soup bones, dog bones, and suet.

We ask $4.25/lb hanging weight and request a $100 deposit to secure your spot for a split quarter.

We ask $4.00/lb hanging weight and request a $200-$400 deposit to secure your spot for a half or whole.

Our animals hang between 550-750 lbs. Hanging weight varies based on the frame size and age of the animal. Early maturing animals reach a “finish” at a younger age and a lighter weight. Later maturing animals reach a finish at an older age and heavier weight.Take-home weight is approximately 65% of hanging weight. Thus a half cow hanging at 300 lbs would include 195 pounds of beef and cost $1,200 plus processing. Processing cost varies but ranges from $75-$110 per animal plus 0.65 cents per pound hanging (so around $285).


In 2023/2024 we will be using three butchers for animals sold by the quarter. We prefer to use butchers local to Alpena but are not always able to do so as the good ones are overbooked. We also work with Ebels (a licensed USDA facility) in Falmouth, this location may be more convenient for our customers in southern Michigan. Once the animal is harvested, it hangs between 7-14 days to age. Aging helps tenderize the meat and bring out robust flavors. It will be another week for the butcher to cut, package, and freeze meat before pickup. 

We sell animals by the whole, half, or split quarters. A split quarter is the average of the whole side of beef, not a front or back. When your quarter is hanging, we will provide you with contact information for the butcher at which point you can call with cutting orders. If you prefer one location to another (Alpena or Falmouth) or a timeframe (spring, summer or fall), please let us know and we will do our best to accommodate your request. 


If you would like to purchase a Quarter, Half or Whole Beef please contact us.


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